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Happy 2014 Timberhill members! It is hard to believe that 2014 has arrived. We made it through! I am sure a majority of you, like myself, struggled through the holiday, by overindulging on your favorite baked goods, finding every excuse not to exercise, and basking in the holiday guilt after you put on your favorite pair of jeans that felt tighter than they did last week.

Do not fret. There is time to get yourself back on track, clean that slate and start over. 2014 is a new year, which gives you a chance to develop healthier habits that you can continue to implement into your everyday routine. It will not be easy, but if you make minor changes, and decisions each day, it will help guide you towards healthier lifestyle habits.

I have put together four useful tips, that will help you establish and maintain your New Years healthy lifestyle goals, and will keep you motivated throughout the year.

Tip One: Watch Your Portions.
The simplest way for me to remember how to control my portions is to make sure the majority of my plate is loaded up with veggies. If you do not like veggies plain, the Thin and Healthy cookbook has some amazing vegetable recipes that are low calorie, low fat and are very tasty.

You do not have to completely deny yourself of a bread roll or a slice of your favorite homemade baked good here and there, just make sure that vegetables are the main staple of your meal. When you fill your stomach up on vegetables, you will fill your body with healthy, nutritious foods before you splurge on your favorite piece of pie.

Tip Two: Grab a Workout Buddy.
The holidays can be a great way to reunite with family and friends. It is also a great way to reconnect with family and friends who share the same health and fitness goals that you have. This could be a great time for both you and your workout buddy to exercise together, which will provide support and motivation you need to pursue your goals.

When I say “exercise,” I do not mean that the gym is the only way to get exercise. A walking coffee date, meeting strolls around town, or business meetings that involve hiking a trail can be a great way to stay active and social.

Tip Three: Give Your Water a Boost!
As you know, many holiday parties involve those festive cocktails that are filled with sugar and empty calories, that are sometimes difficult to avoid. However, to get yourself back on track, and avoid gulping down those extra calories, how about giving your water an extra boost. One of the best ways for slimming down, and cutting out sugary drinks is to replenish your water with soda water. If you are someone who enjoys a speciality drink here and there, limit yourself to one. Then, choose a low calorie option for your second beverage. One of my favorite low calorie yet healthy drink is soda water with fresh fruit. This drink amazes me everytime. I can’t help but pour another glass to satisfy my taste buds. If you are someone who doesn’t have time, Thin and Healthy sells awesome fruity drink mixes, that are full of flavor and protein as well. Stop by the front desk and see what flavors Thin and Healthy has to offer.

Tip Four: New Years Resolutionalize Your Fitness Routine.
There are so many types of activities you can do with your friends and family, without going to the gym. Find an activity that you enjoy, and invite your friends or family along. Any kind of activity that will get your body moving and heart rate up, will help burn off those extra holiday calories.

If it snows again,, why not participate in a snow ball fight, cross country ski, sled or ice skate. Did you know, that Ice skating burns at least 420 calories?

These tips are a great way to apply to your daily routine, especially if you are considering a New Year resolution that involves health and fitness. If you, a friend or a loved one is interested more health tips and nutrition planning, contact the Thin and Healthy program at Timberhill Athletic Club timberhill.mike@comcast.net  or call directly at 541-207-4368.

Happy New Year! – Emily Jederlinich (Thin and Healthy Coach)

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