Fitness fads come and go, but real trends show the evolution of the fitness industry.  Group fitness classes have always been popular due to the motivation and camaraderie among a large group of individuals sharing a similar passion for health and wellness.  Within the group fitness industry, there are many different types of classes which have stood the “test of time” and then there are those up-and-coming classes which can thrive or dive.  Those that have proven to be successful are carving out new pathways in the group fitness realm.

Functional fitness has been a huge buzz word in the fitness industry in recent years.  Functional fitness simply means training for function, as in to improve strength, coordination, and balance for activities of daily life as well as more specialized functions such as conquering a mud run.  Classes such as Total Fitness, Group Power ®, Strength, and Bones and Balance, offer practical strength training exercises to help improve one’s activities of daily living.  In addition, fusion classes such as Fit for Life, which integrate functional movements and cardio, provide a well-rounded workout.

Good old fashioned body weight training is also making a comeback in group fitness classes. When a variety of callisthenic drills are combined in quick succession, muscular and aerobic conditioning is developed, along with balance, coordination, and agility.  At Timberhill Athletic Club we offer Bootcamp and Interval Training classes which utilize body weight exercises and cardio drills to help boost metabolism and torch calories.

Additionally, the emphasis on core-focused training is continuing to trend in the fitness industry.   Classes such as Pilates and Barre focus on technique and alignment and incorporate isometric exercises.  Core training strengthens the muscles in the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen which leads to better balance and stability.

Furthermore, therapeutic and “recovery” classes, which have an emphasis in healing the body, are also increasing in popularity.  Melt and Back Clinic are classes offered at Timberhill Athletic Club that utilize foam rollers and tennis balls for self-myofascial release techniques to help restore the body to proper alignment, function, and balance.  In addition, Therapeutic Yoga combines gentle yoga along with supported postures to assist in rehabilitation for those with injuries or chronic conditions.

As a pillar in the fitness industry, group exercise has been thriving over the past few decades.  People love to move to music and share the rush of endorphins together.  As a result, fitness facility members are creating excitement around the latest trends in fitness and demanding more varied opportunities.  This enthusiasm and desire for creativity in group fitness is driving the industry forward.

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