
A month ago I had a wake-up call. An experience that had changed my life dramatically, in a way where I had to physically slow down. I was not able to teach my fitness classes at the intensity that I use to, and if I did, the next day my body had a painful way of telling me that I had overworked myself.

It wasn’t until my third treatment of going to the Chiropractor where it hit me that I needed make a significant change, and lessen my workload. I explained to the Chiropractor my daily schedule and how I was terrified that I would never be able to train at the intensity that I use to, or be able to keep up with my day to day tasks. She expressed her sympathy, but also said “It’s time for you to slow down.” It struck me by surprise, not only because it was coming from her, but she was the fourth person that day who had told me the same thing. So, I took her words of advice, along with everyone else’s and decided to find a way each day, to relax, and enjoy the healing process. Which in my case, as a woman on the go, was a difficult task.

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, when I really started to enjoy taking fifteen minute walks. I would try to walk at least twice a week, where I would grab a coffee, walk by the river and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounded me. I would take my time walking down by the water, listening to the water swirl around the rocks, listen to the birds happily chirping in the trees, and watch the clouds slowly moving across the sky.  To my surprise, I began walking once a day for a longer duration. Fifteen minutes turned into thirty minutes, which then turned into an hour.
The benefits from these daily walks, turned into an obsession. It had transformed my life in many aspects, from stress to self- awareness. The changes that I have seen within myself, and even others who had experienced the same, motivated me to share with you how to establish a daily walking routine that will improve your life immensely.
Tip One: Build a Daily Walking Habit:
Create a daily walking goal. You do not need to wear fancy athletic gear or drive five to fifteen minutes to the gym to walk on a treadmill. All you need is yourself and a pair of walking shoes.
 Just take a brisk walk to the mailbox, or walk to the market down the road for groceries. In the beginning, it doesn’t matter how far or how fast you walk, what matters is getting outside and moving your body. What is important is simply going for short walks during most days of the week. Once you begin this process, I caution you, you won’t be able to stop, and will want to walk for a longer duration.
Tip Two: Wear a Pedometer:
If you are someone who likes to track your progress and calculate your paces, try using a pedometer. Be creative and find ways to add an extra 100, 500, or 1000 paces to your daily routine. If you have a competitive drive in you, or need some extra motivation find a group or a buddy to walk with you. This will allow you not only to push yourself to walk for a longer duration, but it will also provide you the benefit of socializing, enjoying the outdoors and achieving your goals.
Tip Three: Increase Your Walking Pace and Duration:
Once you begin to find that a fifteen or thirty minute walk is too easy, try increasing your duration and pace. Be creative, seek out different trails around your neighborhood, and maybe even trails with a slight incline that will provide a challenge.

Begin thinking about building up your endurance and duration of your walk. Start by building up to half day walks or even longer on the weekends. Find a good place to walk, such as state parks, national parks, or along the beach, somewhere that will keep you motivated, and interested.
Vary your walks by having two easy days, two fast days, and two days that incorporate hills. If the weather is unpredictable, and you find yourself at the gym, the treadmill is fine too. You can spice up your treadmill workout, varying the elevation and speeds.
These three tips are an excellent resource to use, when you are at the beginning stages of planning your walk routine. And I kid you not, you will see changes with your body, and how you feel about yourself. Your clothes may start to fit better, and build confidence.

After a month to two months of walking, my life had changed. My typical daily stressors stopped impacting my life. I began to appreciate the simpler things in life, such as the sunrise in the morning on the way to work, the stars sparkling in the night sky, or someone simply wishing me a good day at the grocery store. I started to take care of myself, eating healthier, drinking more water, and taking time to focus on my hobbies and goals.

It’s all up to you, and how you want to change for the better and improve your life, your health and your fitness level. Take time for yourself, and find something that you enjoy that will help motivate you and achieve success with your health and or lifestyle goals.
If you or someone you know is looking to improve their life, fitness goals or simply just want education on nutritional and meal planning. Timberhill Athletic Club, has great onsite Health Coaches that will support and motivate you or someone you know to achieve success.
If you are interested Please contact Mike Waters at: timberhill.mike@comcast.net  or call directly at 541-207-4368.
Have a great and successful February!
Emily Jederlinich Total Solutions Health Coach

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